JioSaavn Pro APK

Download the best music app in India JioSaavn Pro latest version fully unlocked premium now

Version: 9.5 | Size: 35 MB

100% Safe & Secure 

Jiosaavn Pro leads as India’s best music streaming platform, used by over 100 million monthly users. With a vast collection of 80 million songs in different languages, this app, developed by Saavn Media Pvt. Ltd. and launched in 2007, has become a favorite not only in India but also in neighboring countries. Jio Saavn Music is a music streaming service available as a complementary for Jio Users. It provides a fresh selection of new music daily.

The best feature of JioSaavn Pro APK is its large collection having millions of songs and thousands are added daily so you don’t get bored.

App Info

NameJioSaavn Pro
Compatible WithAndroid 5.0+
Size35 MB
Updated1 Day Ago

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About JioSaavn Pro

JioSaavn is a free platform but it also offers a premium plan that gives you an ad-free experience, unlimited downloads, offline music, high-quality audio, and access to exclusive and original content not available in the free version.

No one wants to view ads now and then and is not able to download them for times when you don’t have internet access or you just want to save data. That’s why JioSaavn Pro is the best app to go for and say goodbye to restrictions.

Features Of JioSaavn Pro

Ad-Free Experience:

I don’t like interruptions while watching videos or listening to my favorite songs and the same is true for you. Get rid of unwanted disruptions while you are enjoying music with JioSaavn Pro.

Access To Exclusive Content:

As a JioSaavn Pro user, you will also get access to premium podcasts and exclusive shows by JioSaavn.

High-Quality Audio:

If you are a music lover, you can feel the difference in sound quality in an instant. JioSaavn Pro offers the highest quality audio at a frequency of 320kbps.

Multi-Device Support:

Just like Netflix, you can log in to your account on 5 different devices allowing you to sync your playlist seamlessly across devices.

Unlimited Downloads:

Pro users can download their favorite songs for offline listening. It is also useful to save data each time you play the same song.

Alexa Support:

You can also connect it with Alexa and play music with voice commands

Compatible with Sonos:

Not only Alexa, but you can also sync It with Sonos also for multi-room audio.

Apple Watch Compatibility:

JioSaavn Pro extends its compatibility to the Apple Watch also. Your wrist becomes a command center for your musical escapades.

Streaming with Chromecast:

JioSaavn Pro also integrates with Chromecast, Google’s streaming device.

Personalized Playlists:

Create a playlist of your favorite music tracks and listen without having to search every time.

How to Download JioSaavn Pro APK?

If you encounter any difficulties downloading JioSaavn Pro APK 2024 Latest Version for Android, iOS, or PC, don’t worry. Simply follow the step-by-step guide below to simplify the process.

Step 1: Enable Unknown Sources on Your Device

Occasionally, users encounter problems while Downloading the JioSaavn Pro APK Latest Version. To resolve such issues, we’ve included detailed instructions. Please adhere to the following steps:

  1. Access your mobile phone settings.
  2. Locate the “Security” option and open it.
  3. Scroll down to find and enable the “Unknown Sources” option.

Step 2: Open Your Browser and Download JioSaavn Pro APK Latest Version

  1. Open your preferred browser.
  2. Visit the JioSaavn Pro APK website to download the latest APK version.
  3. Click on the “Download” button to initiate the download.
  4. Allow a few minutes for the download to complete.
  5. Subsequently, navigate to your file manager app on Android and access the JioSaavn Pro APK file.

Step 3: Install the Latest Version of JioSaavn Pro APK

Once you’ve successfully downloaded the JioSaavn Pro APK file, proceed with the installation on your Android device by following these steps:

  1. Locate the downloaded JioSaavn Pro APK file in your phone’s download section.
  2. Begin by clicking on JioSaavn Pro APK.
  3. On the bottom right corner of your phone screen, you’ll find the ‘Install’ option.
  4. Click on it and await the completion of the installation process.


Download JioSaavn Pro APK

Download the APK from the button below:


JioSaavn is the leading streaming platform in India. If you are a music lover or want to watch exclusive podcasts and shows, JioSaavn Pro is the best app for you. It has a large database of songs in different languages and they keep on adding new music daily. You can enjoy ad-free and offline music without paying a single penny. So download the JioSaavn Pro APK now and enjoy your favorite tracks.

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